Cancer Diagnosis

Those who live in Southwest Oklahoma share a unique survivor’s spirit and a sense of pride. While every Oklahoma town and city is proud to be unique, there’s a common bond. An attitude that says, “We’re in this together.”
Early and Accurate Cancer Diagnosis
Patients at Comanche County Memorial Hospital have access to a full spectrum of diagnostic tools to help determine the existence and extent of cancer. Because an early and precise diagnosis offers the best hope for successful cancer treatment, we continually invest in cutting-edge diagnostic technology.
There are a variety of diagnostic tests your physician may recommend for you, depending on your individual situation. Most of these tests are typically done in an outpatient setting and vary in the length of time they take to complete.
Genetic Testing
CT Scans for Screening
Lab work for screening and follow up of treatment
MRI’s, CT’s and PET scans for staging and follow up
Mammography for screening and diagnosis
Bone Marrow Biopsy
Fine Needle Aspirates to establish diagnosis of blood disease and cancer