Women's Health
Life with a Baby
CCMH provides ongoing support for you and your new baby after you leave the hospital including breastfeeding support, a physician referral directory to select a highly qualified doctor to care for your baby as they grow, and a certified Childbirth Education Specialist.

Breastfeeding Support
Our lactation consultants are available to help you with all your breastfeeding concerns and questions. We offer return visits after discharge to the lactation consultant for a weight check and assistance with breastfeeding including latching, pumping, and general support. Please call for an appointment at 580.250.5253. We can also assist you in finding a breast pump appropriate for your individual needs.
Infant Safe Sleep Regulations
Read more about infant safe sleeping regulations here!
Childbirth Education Coordinator
Our Childbirth Education Coordinator is available to answer any questions or concerns you might have. Please call 580.250.5253
Choosing a Doctor
Within the first two weeks, your infant needs their first well-baby doctor visit. Our physician referral directory is available to help you choose the right physician for your family. Please see our physician directory to find your doctor!
Contact Us
Lawton, Oklahoma 73505